Saturday, 26 May 2012

Blog Designing

What do you all think of my new title header? "I" did that!

 Im have been absent from my blog for a little while as I have been taking a online course to learn how to do graphic designs for blogs.  It is so fun now that I am finally catching on.

Geesh who knew that designing a cute website is so much work? But it is coming easy for me now thankfully. 

Practice makes perfect.

  I thought Id change up my own banner here to something new.
  So now that I know how to do this I am offering up my services to design for you.  I'm very affordable I can make a banner for you for $20 and many other features for a excellent price too.

  Just send me a email here or check out my blog design site  for more info.

Im super excited for my new venture in the graphic design world...hope to hear from you for a new design!

post signature


  1. Great job! I agree, it does take time and can be extremely difficult. But it's so much fun and so worth it. Love the design you came up with. =)

  2. Hi There,
    Love the new title. Looking forward to reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your link on Mom's Blogger Club. Stop by if you have time.


  3. Hi Ashley,

    I just came across your blog on a SITS forum and thought I'd stop by and say hi. Love the banner and have been thinking about actually getting someone to give my blog a makeover, so you are definitely bookmarked!

    Looks like you haven't blogged in a while but hopefully you get back to it soon - your recipes look yummy :)

  4. I really love your website and your header. Very cute! I can't believe you did that yourself! I am in the process of getting a new blog design as well...very cool. I am a new follower from SITS and just wanted to say "Hi".



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